16 Proverbs Only Yoruba People Will Understand
Like a popular Igbo proverb says: ‘Proverbs are the palm oil with which we eat words.’ Proverbs are quite beautiful and especially among the tribes of Nigeria they are used frequently in daily speech.
Here are some of the deepest Yoruba proverbs you will ever see:
1. A stammerer will eventually say father.
Wow! Eventually right? Right?
2. As there is guilt in innocence, there is innocence in guilt.
Thank you for this one Yoruba people. Thank you!
3. After we fry the fat, we see what is left.
I see what you mean, believe me i do.
4. A man with a cough cannot conceal himself.
Its impossible.
5. Fear a silent man. He has lips like a drum.
6. If something that was going to chop off your head only knocked off your cap, you should be grateful.
Thank God!
7. If you don’t sell your head, no one will buy it.
That is so deep.
8. One takes care of one’s own: when a bachelor roasts yam, he shares it with his sheep.
This one is very important.
9. Silence is an attribute of the dead; he who is alive speaks.
I think some people might be dead inside.
10. The man who has bread to eat does not appreciate the severity of a famine.
I got 99 problems and food ain’t one.
11. We must blame the thief first before we say that where the owner put her property was improper.
You people need to stop blaming victims.
12. When hunger gets inside you, nothing else can.
This proverb makes me hungry.
13. When the door is closed, you must learn to slide across the crack of the sill.
This one is somehow.
14. Where you will sit when you are old shows where you stood in youth.
In order words, please behave yourself when you are young.
15. You cannot shave a man’s head in his absence.
He has to be there!
16. You do not beat a child on the day he breaks a pot.
In our words start on time!
Great proverbs right?
Sharing With Friends Is Caring and You Know
Here are some of the deepest Yoruba proverbs you will ever see:
1. A stammerer will eventually say father.
Wow! Eventually right? Right?
2. As there is guilt in innocence, there is innocence in guilt.
Thank you for this one Yoruba people. Thank you!
3. After we fry the fat, we see what is left.
I see what you mean, believe me i do.
4. A man with a cough cannot conceal himself.
Its impossible.
5. Fear a silent man. He has lips like a drum.
6. If something that was going to chop off your head only knocked off your cap, you should be grateful.
Thank God!
7. If you don’t sell your head, no one will buy it.
That is so deep.
8. One takes care of one’s own: when a bachelor roasts yam, he shares it with his sheep.
This one is very important.
9. Silence is an attribute of the dead; he who is alive speaks.
I think some people might be dead inside.
10. The man who has bread to eat does not appreciate the severity of a famine.
I got 99 problems and food ain’t one.
11. We must blame the thief first before we say that where the owner put her property was improper.
You people need to stop blaming victims.
12. When hunger gets inside you, nothing else can.
This proverb makes me hungry.
13. When the door is closed, you must learn to slide across the crack of the sill.
This one is somehow.
14. Where you will sit when you are old shows where you stood in youth.
In order words, please behave yourself when you are young.
15. You cannot shave a man’s head in his absence.
He has to be there!
16. You do not beat a child on the day he breaks a pot.
In our words start on time!
Great proverbs right?
Sharing With Friends Is Caring and You Know
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